Miami Anti-Fascist Newsletter

Anarchist news bulletin on Miami politics; sharing actions, mutual aid, fundraisers, and cop/fascist watch. We cover fascism in all its legal, unexpected forms and the people who rise up in opposition and revolution!

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @ MiaAntifaNews


The Newsletter takes endorsement of organizations and actions very seriously. Before considering endorsement, organizers must establish a proven track record of: ideological affinity with basic core ideals, unity with a diversity of tactics, and the capability to operate strategically in opposition to fascism and the state. The Newsletter is anti-fascist, anarchist, and abolitionist.

Endorsements of Anti-Fascism News in Florida:

Miami Against Fascism

Iron Snowflake Media Productions

Tequesta Black Star (Twitter Instagram)

The People’s Lake Worth 

The contents published by the Newsletter are part of our ongoing coverage of politics in Miami-Dade and are published entirely for journalistic purposes. Publications are not meant to encourage nor discourage anyone from engaging in any form of illegal activity. Our readers retain full responsibility for their actions; we however maintain 100% journalist/client confidentiality.